[section label=“Overview“]
We want you to get the most out of this theme. We’ve rounded up every resource you could ever possibly need right here so you don’t have to go searching through buried links and documents. Enjoy!
[button type=“link“ variation=“btn-default“ link=“http://industrialthemes.ticksy.com/faqs“ size=“btn-lg“ target=“blank“][icons icon=“help-circled“ color=“#333333″ size=“18″] FAQs[/button]
We have provided detailed FAQs to help you with any question that might come up while using the theme. Nine out of ten times your question has already been answered in the FAQs.
[button type=“link“ variation=“btn-default“ link=“#documentation“ size=“btn-lg“][icons icon=“doc“ color=“#333333″ size=“18″] Documentation[/button]
What good is a product without a user manual? This theme has been extensively documented to help you get setup as quickly as possible. Go ahead, have a read. It’s good for you!
[button type=“link“ link=“http://industrialthemes.ticksy.com“ size=“btn-lg“ variation=“btn-danger“ target=“blank“][icons icon=“comments“ color=“#FFFFFF“ size=“18″] Support Center[/button]
Stuck? Can’t find the answer in the documentation or FAQs? No problem, check out our handy support center. Feel free to post a question if you can’t find the solution.
[button type=“link“ variation=“btn-default“ link=“http://www.industrialthemes.com/engine/support/credits“ size=“btn-lg“ target=“blank“][icons icon=“cc“ color=“#333333″ size=“18″] Credits[/button]
Giving credit where credit is due. Any external assets used by this theme, such as fonts, images, and code, are documented on our credits page.
[button type=“link“ variation=“btn-default“ link=“http://themeforest.net/user/IndustrialThemes“ size=“btn-lg“ target=“blank“][icons icon=“leaf“ color=“#333333″ size=“18″] ThemeForest[/button]
Looking for us on ThemeForest? Click the button to go directly to our profile page in the popular theme marketplace. Of course, you’ve probably already been there seeing as how that’s where you purchased this theme!
[button type=“link“ variation=“btn-default“ link=“http://www.industrialthemes.com“ size=“btn-large“ target=“blank“][icons icon=“globe“ color=“#333333″ size=“18″] Our Website[/button]
This is where we live on the old ’net. Click below to visit the home of IndustrialThemes, LLC. and see our portfolio and information about how to get in contact with us.
[section label=“Documentation“]
documentation goes here brosephius
[section label=“Credits“]
Every asset we’ve used in this theme is either bought and paid for or available for free commercial use. Use the tabs below to locate licensing/copyright info for all of the external assets that make up the theme.
[tabs placement=“tabs-left“ style=“nav-tabs“]
[tab title=“ICONS“]
All icons used in the theme are from Fontello unless otherwise noted. Listed below are the specific icon sets used:
[lists style=“check“ color=“#000000″]
- Fontelico license: SIL
- Entypo license: CC BY-SA
- Font Awesome license: CC BY 3.0
- Modern Pictograms license: SIL
- MFG Labs license: SIL
- Zocial license: MIT
- Elusive license: SIL
- Web Symbols license: SIL
- Girl license: Free for commercial use
- Minisite icons license: free for commercial use
[tab title=“FONTS“]
All fonts used in the theme are from Google Fonts unless otherwise noted. Listed below are the specific fonts used by the theme by default:
[lists style=“check“ color=“#000000″]
- Headliner no. 45 (used for logo, not included in theme download) by KC Fonts. Combo license purchased.
- Dosis by Pablo Impallari
- Asap by Omnibus-Type
- Roboto Slab by Christian Robertson
- Roboto Condensed by Christian Robertson
- All other Google Fonts are also available to import via the theme options
[tab title=“IMAGES“]
All demo images used in the theme were purchased from PhotoDune unless otherwise noted. These images are not provided with the theme download package but are instead only used on the live preview site for demonstration purposes. Listed below are the specific images used:
[lists style=“check“ color=“#000000″]
- Flourish free for commercial use
- Apocalypse regular license
- Environmental Disaster regular license
- A male bow hunter wearing gas mask regular license
- Broken window glass extended license
- Winter Scene With Spectrum Light Bokeh extended license
- Vintage Car regular license
- Beauty Portrait. Concept Coloring Hair regular license
- Young sexy girl on the road regular license
- Vintage background regular license
- Wine regular license
- Dramatic City regular license
- Fashion Model beauty shot regular license
- Grunge image of new york skyline regular license
- Snowflake the house regular license
- Birdie9 regular license
- Cherry Blossom regular license
- Plane regular license
- Environmental disaster regular license
- Blurry image of New York skyline used for the background of the Movies minisite was taken by me
[tab title=“CODE“]
All external code components and third-party code assets used in the theme are licensed appropriately and listed below:
[lists style=“check“ color=“#000000″]
- Boostrap license: Apache License v2.0
- Superfish license: MIT and GPL licenses
- SmoothDivScroll license: GPL license
- resize event license: MIT and GPL licenses
- Fitvids license: WTFPL
- Flickr license: MIT
- Colorbox license: MIT
- RateIt license: Ms-PL
- mmenu license: MIT and GPL dual licenses
- Master Slider extended license purchased